Easter Egg Hunt Ideas | LDNKids.com

Easter Egg Hunt Ideas | LDNKids.com
Happy Easter

1. The Easter bunny has been!

A Easter egg hunt from the Easter Bunny! The kids will love waking up to find that the Easter Bunny has left them a message and a trail of treats pointing them in the direction of the hidden eggs. Why not use this as a chance to get the kids in the garden. Make sure some are easy to find, but have a few harder ones. Remember let the little ones go first so the big kids don't find all the egg.
2. Where to hide the eggs
If you have younger children you can hide them on the floor in easy to spot places, but plant pots and up trees are great places for older children
3. Indoor egg hunt
If the garden is not an option why not try an indoor egg hunt, these can be just as fun. Still leave a trail setup the night before, but get imaginative on where to hide the eggs remembering easy and harder locations.
4. What to remember
- Big Chocolate Eggs
large egg
- Tiny Chocolate Eggs
tiny eggs
- Plastic Eggs to put the tiny Chocolate inside
plastic egg shells
- Easter Hunt Pack available from Amazon: Click Here
Easter Hunt Pack Egg Hunt Pack


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